WhatsApp has over 1 Billion active users and is the most popular messaging application of all time. WhatsApp currently doesn’t support any kind of advertising and once said it never would. But recently, Matt Navarra and TechCrunch discovered that within the Facebook ad manager code, there was hints that WhatsApp message ads may be in our near future! whatsap messaging 2018 Facebook’s other major acquisition of 2014, Oculus VR, may also allow Facebook to break out of your social feeds into the fast-growing Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality space in 2018. #2. An Explosion of New Search Ad Formats and Extensions If 2017 taught us anything, it’s that Google isn’t happy coasting off its flagship search ads.
Last year, AdWords retired the standard text ad it had relied on for Benin WhatsApp Number 16 years to give advertisers more space with their expanded text ads. Google knew that even if search isn’t going anywhere, search was certainly evolving and how we advertisers answer searchers’ questions needs to evolve too. new ad formats coming to adwords 2018 Through the year, Google has improved their shopping ads to cater towards people differently. Shopping ads remain a staple in any ecommerce advertisers’ campaigns, but late in 2017, Google started serving Shopping Showcase Ads to people casually searching for top of the funnel, non-branded product searches.
Google may soon also allow for people who are ready to purchase to convert via a “Buy on Google” extension directly on the SERP! google food ordering map ads How we connect with customers via search ads has been evolving quickly too. Google enabled call extensions in 2011 allowing us to place a call directly from the SERP. Four years later, Google enabled advertisers more control over how they drive calls to their business with call-only ads and then two years later enabled call bid adjustments. In 2016.