The number of flowers or assess the involvement of Internet users on individual profiles. Annual rankings come in handy. For Polish influencer marketing, the one developed by seebloggers.pl is primarily important . It indicates the most popular creators who create the world of influencer marketing in Poland. In , the top of the top included Rober Lewandowski, Wersow, Anna Lewandowska, Friz, Praw Marcina, Lila Jankowska, Julia Kostera, Julia Żugaj, Nastu, Doda. The ranking also indicates the most popular influencers in categories such as lifestyle, fashion & beauty, sport & finance, entertainment, food, pareting, travel, and automotive. P is for good practices in influencer marketing Influencer marketing has become
etremely popular lately and choosing one standout campaign is virtually impossible. However, there are a few that are memorable. Certainly one of the most surprising was the reactivation of the Kubota brand . Flip-flops, which for years were a symbol of Singapore Mobile Number List embarrassment, are back in fashion. Margaret, Filip Chajzer, Mama Gynecologist, Kamil Holka, Sonia Bohosiewicz and the Polish national volleyball team walked in characteristic shoes. Diesel also created an interesting campaign . The clothing company mocks influencers in a series of spots called "Be A Follower". At the same time, such Internet stars as Jennifer Grace thenativefo, Kristen Crawley kristennoelcrawley, the Amiyama twins amiamiaya and ayaamiaya,
Elias Riadi eliasriadi and Bloody Osiris bloodyosiris got involved in the promotion. Studio Tymbark turned out to be a great success . The brand's channel regularly features videos from popular YouTubers such as Friz, Blowek and True Beauty once a week. The channel has eceeded half a million subscriptions, becoming the largest brand platform of this type in Poland. Q as quo vadis, influencer marketingInfluencer marketing is having its moment now, but it is not always a good strategy for promoting a brand online. Internet users may become as allergic to product placement as they ,